Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What makes a good IT manager?

Sometime back while commenting on a blog entry by Ravi, I managed to elucidate what my idea was of a good IT manager.

1. Someone who makes every team member comfortable in his presence. This is actually very difficult to achieve and has to be done only by letting one's guard down, admitting there are areas which the manager doesn't himself understand, and is very eager to go a developer for help.
2. If the developer is having a technical problem the manager says "hmm cmon lets see how this will work" and actually sits down, pairs with him to do a tracer bullet - a small proof of concept.
3. The manager should show by his actions that he is concerned by the well-being of the team. This means hes genuinely interested in the developers career growth and to some extent personal issues.
4. Last but most important, he sits with the team and all the team members sit together. I am a very strong proponent of this and really cringe when I see people isolated in cubes.

This might be in conflict with some people that think managing is removed from the technical aspect of what the manager manages, but I believe that the opinion is flawed. In short, if the manager has not had adequate technical history, he will always be found wanting regardless of how good he is at dealing with people. This of course assumes that the role of the manager is to make sure that the product or service developed by the "workers" is delivered on time to the customers and reasonably within budget.

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