Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Practical Django projects - CMS

I have started working through James Bennett's Practical Django projects (2nd edition). The book seems to have a good practical focus on top of being a beginner tutorial, which helps my cause a little more. This is because, in addition to what django can do, I want to know how people who use django on a daily basis have their setups and what practices they use that make development more convenient. From a preview, James Bennett seems like he has quite a few interesting suggestions to share.

Things I learned from this chapter:
- Django projects are just a wrapper to hold a set of configuration files.
- A django app can exist without a project if it knows where to find its configuration files.
- A django website need not have an app. However apps are necessary if your site has models or database interaction.
- django.contrib.flatpages is very handy to build a straightforward site with content.
- django looks to find templates first in TEMPLATE_DIRS setting, and then in the apps' templates directory.